Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Solution

In today’s digital world, data analytics play a key role in transforming native business operations and unleashing process improvements.  Octave Solution data, analytics or Business Intelligence services, enable organizations to deliver value across business and customers’ journey by empowering users with more agile and intuitive processes.

Our services help organizations use data and analytics to create new business models and revenue streams while ensuring security, quality and regulatory compliance of data.

Application Development

Whether we are working on mobile solutions development, electronic delivery services, transnational portals, content management solutions, web development, integrations and customization of enterprise application (ERP, CRM) or changes in central platforms, we answer to all the needs from private and public sectors in terms of application development. These services cover all phases of a development project: from design, customization, testing, launch, maintenance and evolution of the application. In addition, when working on either developments of new fully customized software or renewal of legacy applications for their evolution and optimization, Octave Solutions is committed to comply with the usual programming standards and the best practices in the industry charter.

Our application development services can be provided in a technological assistance fashion (in addition to your existing teams), through time and material or on a fixed price basis. Our applied methodologies can be either traditional (Waterfall, Macroscope) or Agile (Scrum) as needed

System Integration Services

These services are intended to make sure different types of systems communicate and interact with each other, enabling, from an organizational and user point of view, all data, applications, technologies and IT infrastructure to be integrated, consistent, fast and productive. System integration can be seen as the phase that brings the different IT investments to their higher level of efficiency.

Testing Services

Tests are an integral part of any IT project and as a project’s significance increases, test activities become even more critical. Therefore, design and execution of test procedures that ensure that problems and weaknesses are identified beforehand, require experience and expertise. Organizations do not always have the resources available to perform these tests. This is why they appeal to Octave Solution for testing services to rapidly obtain the required resources and best skills.

Support Services

These services are intended for customers who need temporary assistance or wish to delegate support activities for a longer period or temporarily to Octave Solutions. With various DBA, Middleware, Applications, Infrastructure consultants Ocatve Solution has the resources to meet its customers’ needs. These support services may concern equipment, software, users, customer service or internal IT teams.

Business To Business Electronic Data Interchange Solution

Business-to-business (B2B) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) are technologies that enable the automated exchange of business transactions such as orders, invoices, inventory and other business documents between disparate applications and different business entities by means of telecommunication.


  • Fewer errors
  • Faster cycle times
  • Improve bottom line
  • Vendor Fulfillment/ Vendor Direct, Digitation and JIT production
  • Real Time inventory

Businesses who want to trade with major players in the industries have to adopt EDI technologies otherwise supply contracts are awarded to other companies who are willing to adapt to modern and competitive business practices.

Strategic Planning and Transformation

Business Process Tracking

Provide business with visibility with each progress of each request.

Scrum Team Setup

Scrum team to follow an Agile delivery model and focus on continuous improvement

Training and Coaching

Train teams to get started and provide guidance for long-term success.

Improve Intake Process

Customize and intake process including tools configured to manage request.

Product Owner

We provide a product owner who will work business and IT to make sure highest value work is being delivered.

Scalable Process Improvement

Replicate successful team structures as requests are increased to allow for easy growth.

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